Bunk Bed Forts: The Ultimate Bunk Bed For Kids

Remember life when you were a kid?

The world was your playground. Everywhere you looked, there was an opportunity for an adventure, whether it was building a fortress out of the couch cushions or heading outside to build a tree house.

Bunk beds appeal to kids for very much the same reason: they provide a sense of out-of-the-ordinary adventure. But not all bunk beds are created equal. In particular, our Bed Fort is something special. The owner of Palmetto Bunk Beds tells us that he once wanted to build a treehouse for his son—but didn’t have a tree to do it with. That led to the Bunk Fort, which is something of a tree house for your child’s room.

So what makes this piece the ultimate bunk bed for kids?

The hidden fortress. Underneath your child’s bed is a small little room, or “fortress,” that harkens back to the days when children would camp out in their room and play with a flashlight inside a tent. This is very much the same thing, offering a secluded space for your children to play in. It’s something of an indoor tree house that comes with its own ladder (for climbing into bed) and door.

It’s easy to build. You don’t have to be a master carpenter to understand the intricacies of putting together the Bed Fort. We’ll give you the floor plans; all you have to do is use a few tools and set about following the piece-by-piece instructions, almost like building a plastic toy from when you were a kid. Only this time, you’re building it for real.

Space. The Bed Fort doesn’t take any space out of the room because its three-dimensional nature. It takes up about as much floor space as any regular bed. Where the Bed Fort adds space is vertically. In fact, by adding the Bed Fort, you’ll expand your child’s space, giving them a place to put a small desk or toy chest where before there had only been a bed.

Functionality. As fun as it is, it’s actually a practical piece. The ladder is simple, the bed is easy-access and has high guard railings, and the fortress itself is perfect for playing in. Once it’s built, it’s ready to be used for any number of tasks—and even if your child plays in it less and less as they grow up, they’ll still have a bed—a bed that any younger children would be happy to have as a hand-me-down.

The only negative about the Bed Fort? It’s not socially acceptable to have these as one of your beds as an adult. It’s a fun, creative way to give your child something special in their room: a place they can truly call their own. You’ll never have to worry about the difficult carpentry of building a tree house or the lack of available fun when your child invites a friend to sleepover: the Bed Fort isn’t only a bed, it’s good fun.